(half-human, half-equine) were sometimes depicted
with two sets of male genitals, but not
(so far has I know) as conveniently hermaphrodite.
Dingo the Dissident
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
'Fringe Ideas'
that some would call 'half-baked'
apparently tend to cluster.
If you believe in the Loch Ness Monster
you will be more likely than others
to believe that the Moon Landings were faked.
is not the future, but the present
altered and continued from the past.
It's where we live – we the merely
moderately bad people
who live in plenty and self-excusing ignorance.
Monday, 30 May 2022
Homo erectus.
Humans lost their fur (apparently)
so that they would not overheat
and thus could run farther after prey
in and out of Africa.
Then they invented clothes.
Sunday, 29 May 2022
Two male urogenital musings.
1. I have often wondered how early we are programmed
not to knee or kick bullies in the balls, but to use our fists
upon their faces and upper bodies - a strategy
mastered only by the athletic and pugnacious of both sexes.
2. Men's cocks are primarily pissing-tubes
which can afford a moderately-pleasurable urethral sensation*
several times a day, and is more frequent
as well as more reliable than ejaculation.
Antique (Attic ?) Piss-pot. |
*via the venerable Tantra of Micturition.
Only 5 copies were printed
of the Declaration of the Rights of Women
by Olympe de Gouges, guillotined in 1793.
Only 5 streets in France are named after her.
Saturday, 28 May 2022
Do blueberries enable you to live longer ?
Is pilates proper exercise ?
How to keep your body younger than your years.
In the Dissident Republic of Anhedonia
Life Scientists are developing a virus
which will attack electricity.
Friday, 27 May 2022
The curse and crime
of white men's 'education'
(probably the most enduring colonialism)
is that, like any patristic religion
it is a top-down oppression,
not a bottom-up efflorescence.
This is hardly surprising,
since it originated in medieval monasteries.
Children should learn what appeals to them,
and about what is around them.
Squares and hypotenuses, gerunds and gerundives,
optative moods and the Napoleonic Wars
can come later, if desired or even necessary.
my translation of a poem by RUMI
I'm swimming
in the flood
which has yet to come
I'm shackled
in the prison
which has yet to be built
I am the checkmate
in a future game of chess
I'm drunk with your wine
which sits untasted
I'm a corpse on a battlefield
of long ago
I don't
know the difference
between idea and reality
Like the shadow of a pot
I am
and am not.
Thursday, 26 May 2022
The sound-track
of the excellent Camerounian film
The Fisherman's Diary (on Netflix)
is composed entirely of Camerounian pop-songs.
One of them has the opening line
I am guilty of everything around me ...
Two splendid Chinese expressions :
躺平 ‘tang ping’ (lying flat, keeping a low profile)
— the rejection of gruelling (and cruel) competition
for an unambitious, unaspirational life.
摆烂 'bai lan' (let it rot)
— refusal to accept crass, materialist goals set by others.
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Although I early realised
that people often didn't mean what they said,
told white lies, it wasn't until recently
that it occurred to me that people's eyes
are not soul-windows, but opacities
— and their bodily and facial
expressions fake.
Since I was born,
335 new diseases potentially fatal to humans
have emerged across the world.
Since I was born (in 1941)
the global human population has trebled.
Tuesday, 24 May 2022
It should go without saying that
there are no Good Bullies —
not the British, nor the French, nor the Americans,
nor the Russians nor the Germans;
not the Christians, not the Muslims,
not the Buddhists nor the Hindus, not the whites,
the yellows or the blacks; not the males,
nor yet the females, not even the hermaphrodites.
My neighbour
has a little piece of garden
occupied by two cherry trees
and a radiant carpet of buttercups
which he devastates
in his humble way
just as armies
and industries
devastate whole landscapes.
And just as people have no interest in fish
except to grill them,
my neighbour has no interest in native plants
except to kill them.
Monday, 23 May 2022
An enemy is not an animal,
a monster, sub-human, a blasphemy, an it —
but merely someone we fear, or even just dislike :
an enemy does not have to be an adversary,
but a gun gives a young man an erection
and becomes an extension of his cock
which he must fire off — perhaps wholesale.
False friends, of course, are worse than enemies.
In peacetime the cock's enemy is unlikely to be male.
Tsarbacks and McPutins
Capitalist-monopolist global exploiters
have been defeated by close-down
or sell-out - but only in Russia
and only because of global Sanctions,
and possibly not for long.
Sunday, 22 May 2022
"It is much more humiliating
to be forced to tolerate filth
than to be required to clean it up."
My Secret, Subtle Installation
on a rampart wall (right) : a broken quartz clock
found at the rubbish-bins.
How many will notice it, I wonder ?
Saturday, 21 May 2022
On Ageing Well.
Once you have decided that your 'mental capacities'
have diminished only slightly, and are stable,
you can relax
and hope that a massive stroke will strike
(preferably when you're asleep
or at the dinner-table)
and carry you off as you would like.
A corner of an Exhibition...
in the Market Square, Caylus.
including this Portrait of the Artist's Arse.
'Significant moral suffering.'
we’ll get you out of here as fast as we can.”
Friday, 20 May 2022
In praise of 'Little Black Sambo',
which made me want
to have lovely dark skin
— and maybe one day look like Kang Quintus...
White faces have unsexy tongues.
I am biologically male
but, psychologically, a quantum creature.
The philosopher Mary Midgley compiled a (binary) list of opposites in 1985,
reminiscent of the Pythagoreans’ idea of opposing principles.
It included:
Hard / Soft
Reason / Feeling, Emotion
Objective / Subjective
Quantity / Quality
Male / Female
Clarity / Mystery...
Midgley commented that the list served for scientists as a ‘mental map …
marked only with the general direction “keep to the left”’.
Not politically, of course.
Thursday, 19 May 2022
by George Szirtes
Finally we arrived at the City of Silence,
enormous, high-walled, its furious traffic lights
signalling in panic. The streets were covered over
in thick rugs. It was a place without doors, a series
of moving mouths.
Their eyes, of course, spoke volumes,
vast encyclopaedias. There was little light reading.
Their white gloves fluttered before them
with grotesquely dancing fingers.
It was written that all this should be as it was.
Their thought-crimes, hand-crimes, and heart-crimes
were listed in long numbered chapters.
Policemen pulled faces or pointed at notices.
The civic authorities were sleeping in the park.
DO NOT DISTURB, said the signs.
The rest went on feeding and breeding.
They were planting tongues in the cemetery,
thick flowering shrubs of silence.
Wednesday, 18 May 2022
Unfinished business.
Even if, by some miracle,
human life becomes no longer
merely misbegotten business,
it will become, more and more frantically,
unfinished busyness.
Silly old story.
Eve plucked The Apple
(which more likely was The Pomegranate
whose seeds offered eternal life)
with incitement from God's enemy.
She generously offered it to Adam
without incitement from the enemy of God
(check the text).
Adam took it eagerly...he wanted eternal life
as much as unerring wisdom.
So Eve is cursèd by a childish deity much vexed.
And both the marks are "Sent Abroad".
Tuesday, 17 May 2022
A Good Life : Minimum Requirements.
You could be said to have lived well
if you had done no deliberate harm
to any person or animal
you had enhanced the life of just one person
(who had done no deliberate harm
to any person or animal)
or just one animal.
Monday, 16 May 2022
יִשְׂרָאֵל إِسْرَائِيل
All nation-states
were founded upon
extreme violence
and are sustained
by threats and by
extreme violence.
Two words that say so little :
In the 72 hours
it takes a woman in Mali, Burkina Faso or Sudan
to stand in line under the hot sun
for less than 20 litres (5 gallons) of water for her family,
a middle-class woman 'born equal'
elsewhere will have, unthinking,
flushed lavatories many times, taken several showers
(or even a bath of at least 80 litres),
washed vegetables, dishes, her hair and perhaps a floor,
and at least one load of
hardly-dirty clothes in a washing-machine
– all with water purified for drinking.
Then there's the car-wash,
the lawn-sprinklers willy-nilly,
the electricity, petroleum products...
bottled water shipped from France
and sugar-peas flown in from Chile.
see also:
Sunday, 15 May 2022
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Home is anywhere
a nomad feels at ease.
I am not a nomad. I have felt
most at ease in the different houses
I have made my own,
but also in certain vibrant places
such as around Bragança in Portugal
where I slid into a kind of trance,
and the convivial little town
of Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val
in South-West France.
Friday, 13 May 2022
I am Proud To Be Bald !
To call a man 'bald' is sexual harassment, a [British] employment tribunal has ruled.
For 50 years I haven't had to worry about my hair.
'Commenting on a man’s baldness in the workplace is equivalent to remarking on the size of a woman’s breasts'.
Ha! Ha!
Three cheers for small frontage and male-pattern baldness!
![]() |
A flattering photo from many years ago. |
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Irina Ratushinskaya : a poem from prison.
Well, we’ll live
as the heart dictates,
and not ask for anything.
To have a dog is impossible,
so I'll tame a mouse.
And he and I will pace about,
read letters in the corner.
He’ll climb into my bed
without wiping his feet.
And if letters suddenly stop —
after all, anything could happen on the way —
he, Mr Grey, then and there
will angrily wrinkle his nose
and then snuggle into my palm:
as if to say, remember, we’re in this together!
No need for us both to take Validol
— better to chew on a crust!
I’ll bring out a squashed heel of bread,
and we’ll regard the world more cheerfully.
He and I will invent a land
where there are neither cats nor camps.
We’ll abolish the cold,
cultivate bananas …
Maybe after our term we’ll be sent there
— though it's more likely
we'll be shipped off to Magadan.
But when I’m taken for transportation
and subjected to the search,
he’ll discreetly tag along behind,
scurry after me wherever I go.
I’ll put him in a secret pocket
so he’ll keep warm while wheels
rumble on rails.
And we’ll share sugar fairly —
ten grams for each nose.
And we'll go wherever the track leads —
for anywhere suits us,
we two old lags,
my long-tailed friend and me.
We’ll make a home beyond* bars,
beyond any frozen February —
beyond any Spring…
And if we are still alive
we’ll definitely get a dog,
when better times arrive.
— August 8, 1984
Note: 'Behind bars' and 'Beyond bars' are the same in Russian:
за решеткой.
Irina Ratushinskaya was born in Odesa, Ukraine.
More of my translations/adaptations here.
“It’s always the men
that people think are least likely to do it
who are involved in it.”
– British Member of Parliament, Stella Creasey.
My unmarried mother wryly told me
that my RAF father was dashing.
That is all that I know about him,
except that he soon (early in 1941) dashed off
to join a pacification mission in Iraq.
Thought on being a bit deaf.
The technology
that allows me to hear birdsong
from my balcony
is probably helping
to kill all the birds.
Wednesday, 11 May 2022
Almost his last printed words.
'Sometimes the whole of marriage
was a cover-story'.
John le Carré, Silverview, page 199.
'In a tight spot,
you’d probably intuit that a human life outweighs an animal’s.
There are good arguments why that’s wrong.'
And we're in a very tight spot –
though we refuse to believe it.
Tuesday, 10 May 2022
A musical - but not dancing - bear.
"Zaro had heard something extraordinary. His description of someone trying to play a violin was setting it a little high, musically. It was like the plucking of a string on a double-bass. The note was loud and sustained, dying gradually away. It was being struck about once a minute and throbbed through the forest. We looked at one another in wonderment and started a stealthy general move in the direction of the sound.
Fortunately, and quitte accidentally, we reached the source from downwind - and froze. We were on the edge of a clearing, on the other side of which was a tree blasted by lightning. The main trunk had fallen outwards from the clearing without having torn itself completely free from its lower part.
At the break, about five or six feet above the ground, a long splinter stuck straight up. And as we watched the splinter was drawn back until it was bent like a bow. Then it was released, and the 'music' vibrated on our ears. The performer : a great black Siberian bear, reared up on his hind legs to his full and impressive height.
Peering round the trees we saw him pull at the splinter again and again, standing each time with his head on one side listening in comical puzzlement to the sound he was producing. The performance lasted several minutes before he got tired of it and shambled off - away from us."
- Slavomir Rawicz, The Long Walk, 1956.
A Flaubertian Irony.
In order to outrage the middle class[es]
– épater les bourgeois –
you have to be middle-class.
And there will (eventually,
probably) come a time
when the FOMO* Principle
will take effect.
*Fear of Missing Out.
Monday, 9 May 2022
Why consumer-capitalism will not so easily collapse.
1. In French supermarkets
a Cabernet-Sauvignon from Chile
(strawberry nose, oaky and slightly tannic taste,
a cherryish finish) sells for just 1.80 € ($1.50).
2. As long as people subscribe to big-win lotteries
socialism will never catch on.
Ha! Ha!
Let's make a Fabulous New Website together !
By the way,
that California was the first legislature in the world to promote
Mass-Sterilisation ?
Nazi Germany, impressed, soon followed suit.
in another part of the Hideous House of Horrors
White Supremacist (anti-) Christians metamorphose into
the anti-abortion lobby. (Thank you, Bob Jones 'University'.)
Sunday, 8 May 2022
Only Now! Shame!
Apology, 800 years on, for laws that expelled Jews from England...
I'm not completely sure, but I think that England (+ its Principality of Wales) was the first kingdom in Western Europe to expel the Israelites.
But it welcomed Karl Marx.
Saturday, 7 May 2022
are obscenities.
I am an insignificant nation of one.
I have learned to mistrust alliances
which cease to be fun.
Labelling non-labelling.
A 'relationship' can now be described
as non-labelled. This is a label
which I like, having spent my life
puzzling over abstract labelling.
But why do we hang on to the fatuous word
relationship ?
Also in today's online newspaper
I came upon the word overage.
Not over-age. Overage
is the amount over which something
is supposed or expected to be –
such as two kilograms over weight
or over-weight – or overweight.
So I suppose (or guess as they say in the USA)
that there is underage,
which is not the same as under-age.
Friday, 6 May 2022
"I have always found it comforting
rather than otherwise
to contemplate my own significance,
for if I am negligible
why should anyone persecute me ?"
- Stef Penney, The Tenderness of Wolves.
Unfortunately, the negligible
are probably the most persecuted.
In the same book, a truer statement:
"Mutual need is what makes people co-operate;
nothing to do with trust or kindness
or any such sentimental notion."
Thursday, 5 May 2022
The Goon Show.
Although the online etymological dictionary suggests an English or American origin for the word goon (e.g. from 16th century gony=simpleton or goony-bird=albatross) it is in fact of Indian origin, as is obliquely acknowledged in the title of Brecht & Weill's musical play 'The Rise and Fall of the Town of Mahagonny' i.e. maha (great) gunda ( गुंडा, criminal).
Gunda[h] or Goonda seems to date back to the 17th century.
Goon did not appear in English until the 1930s, and, though first used in the USA, was applied to Nazi bully-boys amongst others.
Enid Blyton's Famous Five books for children featured a risible policeman, PC Goon.
Then came Spike Milligan and The Goon Show, of which the Prince of Wales is a the most famous fan.
Wednesday, 4 May 2022
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
All realities are real,
even if we think that some are more real than others.
If dreams are real - as they certainly are while we are dreaming -
“We can never prove we’re not in a computer simulation because any evidence of ordinary reality could be simulated,” writes David J. Chalmers in Reality +.
All experience is real, whether it comes through heroin or dreams,
ayahuasca, peyote or virtual reality,
and it is very good
to sleep alone in a big bed.
Monday, 2 May 2022
When Ways of Life
gave way to Life Styles
of the bourgeois spazzers.
aspirational, yet stressed and bored,
the writing was on the wall
and wilfully ignored
by millions of would-be Belshazzars.
Sunday, 1 May 2022
A Rug and a Frieze.
A long time ago, when I was
buying rugs in Northern Ireland,
I borrowed a very dramatic Qashqei gabbeh (2
metres x 1 metre)
to see how it would look in my house.
Well, it needed to be in a huge room,
probably on a wall –
so I brought it back.
I had thought it was Gilgamesh killing the Lion
(in the Epic of Gilgamesh)
but recently, by accident, I discovered that it is a lively, enhanced copy
of part of an alabaster frieze in the British Museum (and from Nineveh)
showing the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal on a lion-hunt.
So somehow, someone in Iran
had a photograph or postcard
of the British Museum frieze, or this detail, and made their own version...
which ended up in Northern Ireland.