In India there is a temple devoted to Holy rats
(called kabbas),
who are fed milk and other delicacies.
In India - and elsewhere in Asia also -
human defecation is a vast problem
(especially for women)
because even simple latrines are relatively rare.
Rats are coprophagous (eat human shit), -
so why not open public lavatories
with cubicles, but without plumbing,
as Sani-Rat-Temples dedicated without detriment
to Karni-Mata and coprolaborative ratolatry
so as to solve the ever-increasing problem
of execrably-ubiquitous human excrement ?
Rats are as edible as dogs and pigs* and pigeons
and many other birds -
but (of course) there would still remain
the problem of their turds...
*Coprophagous rats, dogs and pigs are haram to Muslims
(even in zoos ?)
and are unclean, infect, forbidden flesh for Jews.