Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Monday, 1 November 2021

Still wearing the socks my mother knitted 30 years ago.

'Waste is a Category Error'
upon which consumerist economies depend.
I belong to the category of folk
who save plastic bags, lengths of string,
adapt, re-use and mend.

Note: 80% of all new products are junked within 6 months.


Anonymous said...

I cannot get myself to wear the woolen socks my mother knitted for me, for once I've walked them through, they'd be lost. She might take not wearing them as an offense though and noticed that I barely put them on.
To me, they are more like an artifact to safely store away.

In the other news, albeit you seem to be a regular reader of AEON yourself:



Wofl said...

I now know that you are located somewhere north of Mexico.
Yesterday I wrote a draft of my blog for the 23rd March 2022 which is about dogs having twice as much vision as humans, to which I have added the above link. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am north of Italy and quite a bit south of Denmark - I misread your assumption as "northern Mexico" but you must have meant Greater Northern Angloamerica? Is treating socks as a relic a custom there, too?


Wofl said...

Sorry - I meant that you had grown up north of Mexico, because you wrote woolen rather than woollen - one of those many bizarre instances of the Great American Spelling Reform which died early in its infancy, due to lack of conviction or support...or air.

Since you are obviously an Inteleckchul person you might enjoy this terrific broadcast featuring Ai WeiWei, Lea Yli and Kirill Gerstein, all talking English: