Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Friday, 2 February 2018

I have experienced temporary loss of balance recently.

This is from an on-line forum on a drug I have been taking for 30 years:

There is an increased risk of falls amongst elderly patients who take benzodiazepines,
but there is also an increased risk amongst sleep-deprived patients.
Elderly patients are often also sensitive to medications and require a lower dose than is the norm.

Temazepam is a fairly short-acting benzo so once-daily dosing doesn't carry the same risk of physical dependence as taking diazepam once a day, for example, although over time it is possible to build up a residual background level.
The main concern is psychological dependence and rebound insomnia on stopping the drug. - a procedure which should be gradual.

There is also the possibility of it becoming less effective over time - but, equally, some people can take a steady benzo dose for years for sleep; 'mileage' can vary. Sleep has a large psychological component and this can affect the efficacy of sleeping tablets.

Sleep hygiene is important. This means going to bed at a set time, using bed only for sleeping in, doing relaxing activities before bed (not involving a screen), no caffeine after midday, no nicotine right before bed, getting up after 30-60 minutes of not sleeping and doing something else for 10 minutes, not lying in no matter how bad the night's sleep was... it can take a while to get into good habits but they can really help.

I'll see if I can find some papers on temazepam use in the elderly later - or you can try a google scholar search."


Jindra K. Hrdlička said...

Balance loss is not as bad as a temporary loss of reason.

Wofl said...

It seems to me that most people suffer from permanent loss of reason.

My loss of balance has diminished greatly, Jindra. It was due to high blood pressure, not temazepam.

Marcus Billson said...

So even slim whole-food vegetarians, uncontaminated by sugar substitutes and a thousand food additives, suffer from dizziness? High blood pressure? Maybe. I prefer to think it was the vertiginous heights of your stream of consciousness, or the original mind-blowing places your thinking and memories take you to. There's no anticipating what comes next in this blog. I may snivel and disagree, laugh and rejoice, but I know of no one on the planet who can quote ten to fifteen languages and access so many moments in the lost time of thousands of years.

Wofl said...

Temazepam had nothing to do with it. But I now have "funny legs". I hope it is just hypochrondria.

bandit said...

habits are habit forming -
in US of f'in A, I would receive regular blood tests including cholesterol as part of regimen to observe kidney function. Mine was 120 ct, with a mild graph line to illustrate. The bad cholesterol was so low despite a habit to "carb up" most nights with deadly poisons (cookies,ice cream, etc.) The work day involved destroying anything in my path, because, I am, in reality, NORG THE DESTROYER. Yes, along with 1000's of illegal immigrants sporting fake ID, 9 exemptions and 86 dependent child care recipients on average, the AFL-CIO allows various Gods and deities if they pay $300 a month in dues (Democratic Socialism comes at a price). Me and my Mexican backhoe 'manos burn some serious calories. They just don't file income tax at year's end. No habla ingles, esse. dotGov will amend this once they go to digital currency, and only then will ghosts pay their "fair" share. It *is* true only criminals use cash!

I never fasted for the cholesterol test after awhile. >>> we arrive at 2016, Norg is in disfavor (never admit you're hurt) and the ACA (ObamaCare), is on shaky ground. ACA's main beneficiary, Corporate Medical Establishment (not CME) is beside itself - you can hide 200,000 dead per year, but the red ink on the bottom line screams bloody murder. The only answer is to lay siege to each State's legislature, on an annual basis, for special compensation. Questions may arise, but once you capture the swag, it's a sea cruise for the remainder, boat drinks all around. How then do modern pirates loot a colonial outpost?

With Statistics, of course! We are talking Medicaid, btw, the Yankee's National Health. Norg has come to earth, 'because, Recession, and RICO. The definition is illegal immigrants can negotiate while citizens cannot. Never mind, look here - Norg seeks info on peripheral neuropathy, but when he meets the pharmacy chief he discovers an Ambush! he is to be administered Statins, post haste, and submit to psychological conditioning about Satan's agricultural byproduct, tobacco. Tobacco is numero uno on every patient chart, right above mandatory vaccination. The only reason it isn't banned is because Legislatures tax it's ass off. They are doing God's work for him, and God knows what's best for you.

Norg recalls his wife's (she who is Maniacally Industrious and dare not mention her name) experience with Statins; after bouts of global amnesia and frightening psychotic mood swings, Norg removes the suspect med. a coincidence he should find a report hidden in the deep recesses of the web. Only the brave or enlightened make pilgrimage there for enlightment, and or Dissent.

Norg responds unlike the typical doctor is God patient. Security is called yet they retreat to avoid his wrath, so Norg spares them. He would destroy the building housing these false Gods, but for the fact he built it, repairing every room and wall the elusive immigrants fucked up in their (strictly cash under the table)haste. He is not angry with the vatos. They only practice what he taught them after all. and the building houses the pharmacy, which Norg asserts to anyone listening he will rip the doors off and take what he needs when the tiome comes. His words may be prophetic, for his intuition has an uncanny record of foretelling the future.

One more thing - choo choo train don't go without smoke, motherfucker!!@

bandit said...

Oh. I've always been unbalanced, btw. What's your problem?

bandit said...

Oh, you ask, what was the advancement of these statistics ultimate goal? To prove beyond any doubt, with the utmost sincerity and compassion, that the God's of Medicine adhere to the practice of providing Preventive Medicine. It has become the new mantra, and for some it is deafening. Some people die of it. Unlike some people, Norg will not stand idly by and allow this to occur.
Pardon me, but its not that easy defining the nature of conditioned response on such a massive scale when you are placed inside a little box.