The White People
are turning even paler with fear,
because it's not Washington, San Francisco,
Paris, London or even Moscow -
but Syria, Iraq and Jordan
Where It's At.
Though we should remember,
through our palely self-critical
hypocritical whines
about White Men's Interventions, John of Leiden -
and that there are many mullahs with male concubines.
1 comment:
I asked an imported brown person what he thought of our little mess - He wasn't actually aware of it. He just kept on working without concern, interested only in light entertainment.
Odd, I thought, since the whole affair has taken on the air of a circus, the IS "folks" being the most popular specimens on display. At least until the latest crisis is revealed. Like a plane mysteriously shot down with blame cast about pell-mell, or people dissenting burned alive in a public building - and then the Ringmaster's trot out the Freak Show to take center stage again.
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