I have the pleasure of sharing with you my readers
some of my Blog and Website Statistics
(from the 2nd to 8th of June, 2014) to wit :
This Blog - 313 page-views of which 95 were return visits.
Irish Megaliths - 337 page-views of which 10 were return visits.
Diogenes - 147 page-views of which 21 were return visits.
Male Exhibitionists - 86 page-views of which 18 were return visits.
Holosensuality - 65 page-views of which 6 were return visits.
Absinthe - 25 page-views, with no return visits.
Omar Khayyâm - only 11 visits to my second-most-beautiful page*.
Suicide - alas, received only 2 page-views.
Why do I bother ?
*My most beautiful page is The Parable of Dives and Lazarus, for which I have no statistics.
Mon frère, n t'inquiètes pas. Ne te replies pas sur toi-même. Ne t'apitoies jamais sur ton sort. Tu as bien fait ici. Wasn't it Stendhal who said, "For the happy few!"
Of those 313 people, if just one takes something and makes a positive difference, and this makes an impression on someone else, it can gather momentum and have unforeseen benefits and ramifications. The teachings of Buddhism spring to mind, and could explain it better than I could.
Dissidents very rarely draw a crowd.
Once you do, you cease to be dissident.
I, somehow agree with Marcus and I don't even understand french.
Well, Laura, I agree. It is better to have a receptive, intelligent, argumentative readership of one on Blogger than a passive following of ten thousand on Facebook.
Jindra, I agree with you about the numbers viewing the blog and how a massive number of viewers and responders would bely being "dissident." Basically, my French admonishes Auban to stop feeling sorry for himself. This bog is interesting, controversial, often over-the-top, frequently outrageous, and often disagreeable, but surprising with its insights and information. Sometimes the ah-ha's of recognition are like mental orgasms.
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