Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Friday, 6 June 2014

In my early twenties

I wanted to be a great short-story writer.
But I am an unbelievably bad liar.


Marcus Billson said...

Qu'est-ce que c'est un mensonge, mon vieux? Samsara te mente chaque jour. Et, surtout, comme tous les hommes, tu crois ses mensonges. C'est la vie; c'est vivre.

Wofl said...

I meant that I cannot make up stories, scenarios, conversations, etc. I have no imagination, and it takes imagination to be a liar.

Marcus Billson said...

Ridiculous. Here on your website, every narrative, every choice inclusion, every translation, every essay, every analysis, every piece of art, every selection of every blog comment, every chosen photo, every taken photo, every selection of every megalith or Romanesque/Gothic sculpture is an act of imagination. The Romantics believed the Imagination was the ultimate Truth.