Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Saturday, 29 June 2013

British Armed Forces Day

The people which gave the word
to the world
was (of course)* never known for its gentleness
and rarely for its gentility.
In fact, it's hard to say which was more evil,
more destructive, genocidal,
more continually aggressive:
the Roman, or the British Empire.
Today at war as usual, the British
"honour their armed forces"
(trained killers and their cohorts),
and wallow in  un-Roman hypocrisy.

I'd rather join the Taliban
than be a British Gentleman.

*an example of enantiodromia


Claude said...

Anthony, I doubt that you can join the Taliban! For them, in the name of their God, they try to make you brainwashed because they can not support a free spirit who think differently from them. This is the single thought ... theirs must prevail! If you do not submit to you is death. Life does not account for them .... I mean those of others. Nothing should interfere with their power that any questioning would make them lose.


Wofl said...

Well, Claude, it was a rhetorical, hyperbolical, rhyming couplet that sounded good at the time. I don't think many would take it literally.

But I performed the less than brave act of tearing up my British passport and post the pieces to M. Thatcher once I had safely got an Irish one !

Wofl said...

Well, Claude, it was a rhetorical, hyperbolical, rhyming couplet that sounded good at the time. I don't think many would take it literally.

Nevertheless, it would certainly be easier to join the Taliban (if only as an Agent) than a British Gentleman's Club (White's, The Garrick, etc.

Many years ago I performed the less than brave act of tearing up my British passport and posting the pieces to a certain M.Thatcher once I had safely got an Irish one !

Jehovanna M. Arcia Torres said...

Dear Anthony:
I have found your words today not necessarily to be taken literally, but at the same time, they should be read and placed into the historical context they deserve. This Anglo Sanxon empire is evil, this is plain and simple, and any attempts to describe it with euphemistic words is egregeous, though that does not mean the Taliban are better that them either. As someone living in an American satellite state, I have witnessed, first hand, this evilness and arrogance.
Many thanks for your words, many thanks for your meaningful sites, they bring sanity into all these desseased societies…
Without any attempt to efface my possition, I will always write my name in any comment I make in the internet…As you have said before, laguage is the only weapon we all have…

Claude said...

You know the Taliban, I met one. I saw him again last night at a public meeting with the Mayor for football clubs of the city's children. This is the type Taliban with big beard, but the mustache rasée.La first time I met him was at a Muslim friend he tried to convert his conception of Islam we intégriste.Quand we shook hands, the first thing he asked me was if I was a Muslim! When I replied that I was a Catholic, he asked me why I stayed in error. I did not follow this path and I asked him the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite. As intelligent, he understood the message. For him, it is not enough to follow the principles of the Koran. Must be in good obedience of Islam not to be in error by him and siens.Ce we see today is the religious wars similar to those that took place there few centuries between Catholics and Protestants. The difference is that today, there are allies who do not belong to Islam involved in jihad (holy war against the infidels). But be sure that they support the camps will always beside them later and if there will be no reversal. As it happened in Egypt and Tunisia, where those who started the riots were deprived of their victories and must continue to fight!
To return to "my" Taliban, he was very sociable as it is every time we meet, but when he saw my cross into the notch of my shirt, his gaze was hard to go elsewhere. I felt he had a great desire to tear, to make it disappear.

Wofl said...

Well, if the Taliban want to convert the world to their form of Islam, it is no different from the horribly corrupt and evil Catholic church doing the same. The Catholic church has invaded most of the world with its horrible hypocrisy, and I, as an antinatalist, dog-loving, tree-loving atheist, Claude, was a little disturbed by the cross on the chain around your neck. Christianity = Globalised Militarism (the Church Militant).

The Taliban are no worsse than the White Fathers (whom I saw in all their racist riches in the Central African Republic) or the Dominicans - or, for that matter, Opus Dei. And, in any case, what right has anyone to enter an independent country and overthrow its régime as the Russians, British, Americans and French did in Afghanistan ? As the Americans did in Panamá, Grenada, Chile and Iraq ? As the French most horribly did, not just in Algeria but also in Tunisia and (worst of all) Morocco ?

I would also point out that the Catholic land-grabbers of the North committed actual and cultural genocide in Southern France during and after 'The Albigensian Crusade', in the name of Religion. South-western France is littered with the ruins of castles held by Cathar sympathisers and successfully burned by them, and their huge cathedral in Albi (a 12th century Stalinist fortress) is stark reminder of the misery that Occitan-speakers suffered right up until the 1970s.

Then there are the other Crusades which were more horrible than anything that Hitler or even Stalin managed to inflict upon those perceived as their enemies.

Yours in the spirit of the great Savorgnan de Brazza, André Gide and Jean Genet,

ANTHONY (Soufi manqué)

Bearz said...

I was fascinated by Claude's first comment about being unable to join The Taliban. His point being that for them the only agency/prime mover in their life is their deity, whom they see their way-and of course as converts they ascribe everything in their life to who they believe in, as if who they had faith in had made them into perfect human automata, obedient to it, and yet they are incredibly resourceful. Fundamentalist militarised Christianity has created many similar movements.....

Karl said...

Great post. British militarism is disgusting. And the fact that many Anglican churches have military standards and war regalia in them is utterly nauseating.