"I can find little that is good about human beings on the whole.
In my experience most of them are trash,
no matter whether they subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine
or to none at all."
- Sigmund Freud, 1902.
(my italics)
That was 1902.
Today, we may still be trash, but some of us are a lovable trash.
The lovable ones tend to be dogs!
Dína sents kisses.
A single kiss from Dína is worth a million from any mere human.
Love you, Dína.
Freud was an arrogant egomaniac, who, while pretending to help others, merely invented another form of personal mythology which helped fuel innumerable egos across the world by leading them to believe they had 'problems' or 'issues' they could only resolve by talking about themselves endlessly, endlessly, endlessly....
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