Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Friday, 26 April 2013

Confession of a Hypocrite

My despicable but often
all-too-cheerful self
(which is, despite everything,
larger than my ego)
is ashamed to be human,
but enjoys food and wine,
rain and trees and landscape,
and absence of wife
(and child or children),
too much to have the guts
and the integrity
to abandon
this shameful life.


Karl said...

Admirable honesty! I only hang around to see how much longer I can hang around for.

People said...

Please, stop this.
You are rarely despicable, occasionally funny, yes, you may have some ego issues. But no reason to be ashamed.
In many cases, good food and wine when it rains is better than wife and ungrateful kids.
Stay with us.
We enjoy your blog.
And for God's sake, get a dog !

Jindra K. Hrdlička said...

I would think that killing one day at a time is currently easier than killing yourself.
I am sometimes perplexed by your "ashamed to be human"
Why you ?
Listen to the people and stick around.

I would have a difficult time to explain Dína if you went away.

Wofl said...

Hello Hans,

I love your poem

I'm glad you made your comment!


There's no way I'll get another dog. I felt I that I failed all three dogs that I had. Now I live in two countries between which I fly on cheap aeroplanes. As with beautiful people, it's best to admire, and not attempt to take over!


As I have said before, I enjoy food, wine, trees, skies, music, writing blogs, etc. far too much to kill myself - just yet. But there's going to come a day... I will NOT die in a hospital or "care" "home" (or careless hostel)

Thank Dína for her concern, Jindra. She is a very caring person.