if not impertinent question
"How are you ?"
— Just struggling on.
— Getting closer to the grave
(or bosom of Abraham).
— Same as when you last asked me.
— Feeling nearly as bad as you look.
— Mouldering away.
— Same as ever.
— Better (or worse) than yesterday.
— Just holding together.
(any good answer welcome!)
Suggestions (see commentaries below) include:
— Nohow. (which is more cryptic in English than sehogy is in Hungarian).
— I'm fine, but it's the others...
— Better than anyone I know.
Custodian of my last place of work had a perfect answer to my "How are you".
"I am fine. It's the others".
– Sehogy. (Nohow(?).)
Better than anyone around.
It helps to rid of "howareyouer".
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