Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

History's Roundabout.

We seem to be back in the 1930s.

Fascism (although watered down)
is rising yet again all over Europe
- and in the USA. Nasty and corrupt dictatorships 
rule far and wide across the world.

In the 1930s
people like me were aghast at
the terrible, stoppable rise of demagogues
backed by big businesses,
at the weakness and ineptitude of politicians
in quasi-democratic countries.
There was a widespread feeling
that another world war was coming or inevitable.
But they didn't foresee just how terrible it would be,
nor could they imagine the atomic bomb.

Since it was dropped we have poisoned the world
for our comfort. This time round the wars will be many
and long and appalling and linked to unstoppable
changes in climate and movements of people. 

Few of us realise that if the poisoning stopped tomorrow
the world would keep on warming, the oceans keep on rising
for centuries, if not millennia to come.

Only 'Apocalypse-mongers, Doomsdayers' like me
realise - or much care - that the tipping-point
has passed already in the brief period of the Anthropocene,
our short and bloody, vicious anthropo-obscenity.

The raving Revelations of St John were not so ludicrous and wrong -
except that there will be no second coming of a saviour,
and, because of a quirk of evolution
all the rough beasts will have long since gone.

With every successful human birth
yet more destruction of the earth.

Forensic details here:

1 comment:

Wofl said...

The European Union, founded on socialist principles, will be no more determined or effective against the creepingly fascist governments already established within it than was the pathetic League of Nations in the 1930s. It is doomed, was never allowed to develop.

In 1936, the multicultural government of Poland was replaced (quite democratically) by a nationalist, anti-semitic, anti-Rom, anti-Lithuanian and pro-Nazi army junta. Weak democracies need strong supporters.