Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Two sentences from 'The Color Purple':

[God] just sit up there glorying in being deef, I reckon.

The last thing niggers want to think about they God is that his hair is kinky.

I have never understood why coloured people took and take so enthusiastically to a joyless white (and joyless white men's. tight-lipped white women's) god. Is it 'just' self-oppression ?  Or Stockholm Syndrome ?  Or both ?


Martin said...

I don't get it AT ALL. I guess it's like the whole Norman conquest thing. You take on the affectation of your oppressor to lick his boot, Uncle Tom style. And by the time your grandkids are going, they don't know the real reason you started talking French, and they just do what their fathers did. Cargo cult style.

Wofl said...

Cargo-cults are different cans of worms. They were (mainly) the building of decoy copies of aeroplanes/airplanes to attract real airplanes/aeroplanes to bring trinkets, gew-gaws, knives, axes, diseases and Christianity.

Since reading The Color Purple I have been reading A Prayer for Owen Meany which has some marvellously witty-ironic observations about practices associated with the abovementioned religion, and some of the funniest set-pieces I have ever read.