Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

L'Identité malheureuse

[Alain] Finkielkraut works, throughout  L'Identité malheureuse, on the idea that the Holocaust and the end of colonialism made Europeans terrified of their own history. The mantra "never again!" has caused people to become stuck in expecting racism and fascism to come only from the same direction it struck from last time. Since they're looking for white people to misbehave, they gloss ideologically over the evidence that immigrants may now be generating racial hatred all on their own.

- Ann Sterzinger 


Bazompora said...

Common man is not that naive and innocent. The ideology is one that is imposed by the elite, in order to instill the idea that their exercise of power warrants "never again". Obfuscation may be at work here, if class interaction is overlooked in favor of nationalist reduction.

Wofl said...

The class issue is indeed relevant. Racists and neo-fascists are usually and conveniently regarded by liberal multiculturalists as being largely composed of White Trash egged on by demagogues. Moreover, I think that relatively few British and French (white) people are actually ashamed of their nations' nasty past (or recent) behaviour - unlike the Germans...