I thought I would acquire some Institut Géographique Nationale
1:25,000 (or, if not, then 1:100,000
maps of France, as I thought I had done some years ago.
So I took a free-for-old-people bus to Belfast
to go to The Stationery Office, formerly
Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
What I found was a poky modern office in a depressing,
would-be-user-friendly 'Business Park'
and a helpful woman who told me that The Stationery Office,
privatised in 1996, moved from its attractive premises
in Arthur Street at least 10 years ago -
and of course, it was not French maps that I shoplifted there,
but the wonderful new 1:50,000 Irish ones
which mark almost all of the thousands of megaliths
in the Republic, the most attractive of which are also in my
Gazetteer and Field Guide to prehistoric Ireland,
which has a side-site of French megaliths.
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