Dingo the Dissident
THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .
How true, even in our enlightened times :-)
Men strive especially for three things:
riches, pleasures, and
Riches lead to immorality,
pleasures to shame, and honours to
— Cardinal Lotario dei Conti di Segni.
subsequently Pope Innocent III (1198-1216)
De miseria humanæ conditionis.
It was this pope who called the revolutionary Fourth Lateran Council of 1215,
which, amongst other things, allowed commoner weddings to take place in church,
and transferred power from monasteries to bishoprics.
He initiated the policy of compelling Jews to wear items of clothing
which would identify them.
He also initiated the Albigensian genocide and the Fourth Crusade,
and called for a Crusade against the Moors of Spain.
Surely he was admired by Adolf Hitler as well as the nascent USA !
1 comment:
Surely a candidate for the most ironic name in history!
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