Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

photo by Carsten Whimster


Anonymous said...

auban, here are some "architectural abortions" that display human inferiority compared to nature's magnificence, just like the photo you shared here. I especially liked May 2012 Bellevue and August 2011 Conservation Area.


Thanks, again, for sharing your mind. I live in the American wasteland and am not particularly well educated, so your sites are a wonderful reprieve.

Wofl said...

Many thanks, Janus. I may use some of the pictures in this blog...

You are better-educated than most: you can actually spell!