Yes, you had it coming.
But 'it' did not come from the Laotians,
nor the Native American victims of your genocide.
Laos is the most heavily bombed country ever,
and, 35 years after the Vietnam war ended,
an average of one person every two days
is killed by late-exploding American bombs
- 'collateral damage'.
Laos did not declare war on the USA.
America did not deign to declare war on Laos.
It just bombed, and bombed, and bombed,
and bombed, the Plain of Jars -
in the name of Freedom, Christian (or American) values.
The USA declared a War on Terror - with Terror.
It is estimated that it will take another 100 years
before all the unexploded American ordnance
is removed - or explodes - in Laos.
Capitalism thrives on war, military industries
and the threat of war.

You even claim to have "won WW2" for us in Europe,
failing to mention the deaths of just 20,000,000 Russians,
mostly on Russian soil.
No Americans were killed on American soil in WW2,
though a few died at Pearl Harbor, which was then in an American ‘territory’ or colony or ‘protectorate’ or whatever slimy word they used for missionaried-prudified-raped-annexed-and-commodified Hawaii.
And how 'freedom' has diminished in my lifetime!
(I was born in 1941.)
Children can no longer go off on their own
to climb trees or bivouac - or
compare and touch the interesting crevices
and dangly bits between their legs -
or run away for a day or two
as all kids want - and need - to do.
Yes, you had it - that just-a-little-bit -
coming - out of the blue.
And you celebrate it as a 'catastrophe' like the Serbs
celebrate 'their' Kosovo Polje,
'their' Plain of Crows - the birds that fed upon the stacks
of corpses not just of Serbs, but also of Albanians, Macedonians,
Hungarians, Croatians, Romanians and Vlachs.
Those who live by the sword should die by the sword.
You don't mean "they", as in "we", or "i" in a general, catch-all, sense do you?
I overhead a journalism student state that he'd learned in school it only took ten years to propagandize an entire nation; hmm, how fitting that might be. For that matter, look at the National Socialist Party apparatus in 1930's Germany.
Myself, i feel compelled to support a certain Mr. Paul in our newest election cycle here in the U.S. of A. His views of non-intervention (as opposed to "isolationism) in other state's affairs are considered outlandish, and "un-Patriotic" by the status qou (as in the U.S. media globalist consortium).
Its ironic that these very ideas were espoused by our founding fathers. Alas, for my support of this stance, i am labeled a "nut", and relegated to the hinterlands by our most caring, liberal of leaders (Obama), as well as those who hold high the chicanery of the military industrialists (Bush, Cheny, Perry, et. al.).
But wait - what-ho! Polls of the outcome of recent "debates" reveal Ron Paul's lead in favor exceeds all the other candidates combined, quite contrary to the media's agenda. Might the revelation of our people's true nature be at hand?
A people whose élite still cannot be bothered, after ten years, to pronounce al-Qaeda correctly - let alone wonder what it means - thereby reveals its true, arrogant nature!
Agreed! Yet, most of us are stifled, or simply anesthetized. Though at least one "elite" has spoken your very words!
I fear only a good kick in the teeth will bring about the revolt of the masses - and then, most likely, too late, and with uncertain results!
Certainly, there are some I'd like to put the boots to (and I have, if most times, only figuritively).
Ah, Anthony, if only I could go live as a forest-dweller and dismiss this affair. Simply die with my boots on, somewhere with my hands and heart in the dirt of a quiet garden.
I'm afraid I have responsibility to loved ones and family, so abandonment is out of the question. And who would care for my dogs?
Well, you don't have to be a guerrilla. You only need to "speak truth to power". Karl Marx had three dogs, and a wife - and what he prophesied is coming true. He simply didn't reckon with the colonial empires and two world wars shoring up an impossible (and of course immoral) system.
from Marian Comyn's recollections of Karl Marx:-
"Karl Marx was fond of dogs, and three small animals of no particular breed--of a mixture of many breeds indeed--formed important members of the household. One was called Toddy, another Whisky--the name of the third I forget, but I fancy that, too, was alcoholic. They were all three sociable little beasts, ever ready for a romp, and very affectionate. One day, after an absence of six weeks in Scotland, I went to see Eleanor and found her with her father in the drawing-room, playing with Whisky. Whisky at once transferred his attentions to me, greeting me with ebullient friendliness, but almost immediately he ran to the door and whined to have it opened for him.
Eleanor said:
'He has gone down to Toddy, who has just presented him with some puppies.
She had hardly finished speaking before there was a scratching and scrambling in the hall, and in bounded Whisky, shepherding Toddy. The little mother made straight for me, exchanged affabilities in friendly fashion, then hurried back to her family. Whisky meanwhile stood on the rug, wagging a proudly contented tail, and looking from one to the other, as who should say:
'See how well I know how to do the right thing.'
Dr. Marx was much impressed by this exhibition of canine intelligence. He observed that it was clear the dog had gone downstairs to tell his little mate an old friend had arrived, and it was her bounden duty to come and pay her respects without delay. Toddy, like an exemplary wife, had torn herself away from her squealing babies, in order to do his bidding.
I think the most important thing is to let victim hood motivate every aspect of life. The defining characteristics of humanity are all derived from narcissism. This means hubris, sadism, extermination, etc. America is the great human experiment in rapid development. Wipe out the locals on a huge continent, sprinkle in some Europeans, Africans, add a dash of Asians, flavor with money, sugar, salt and fat to taste. Just go to McDonald's. You'll get the picture.
Human folly is what you'd get if apes invented AK-47s. Oops, they did, goddamn hitler-chimps.
I discovered this on the internet (I don't watch much television but for international news from abroad) and thought it might be of interest in light of our arguments here:
Most notable, in my view, are the comments in response to this "news story".
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