Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Monday, 21 March 2011

Strange that the English -

- the most genocidal people
since the fall of Carthage -
think of themselves as paragons
of fairness and compassion,
and beacons of Right Behaviour
to the world.


Jehovanna M. Arcia Torres said...

The same can be said about the Spaniards and their descendants in the new world, who suffer from a very rare forgetful disease…Many of those white European descendants in Latin American countries suffer from dementia…

Wofl said...

Well, even though there was a hidden, American-backed genocide in Guatemala as recently as the late 1970s (chief war criminal, Ríos Montt) the Spaniards and their descendants have been much more casual than the English and their descendants, who systematically and successfully wiped out peoples in South Africa and Tasmania, and who severely and violently reduced native populations in Australia, Canada, India, Ireland and Scotland (to name but a few). They also forced the Chinese to import opium after the notorious Opium Wars. England has perhaps the worst war-crimes record in history - for sheer scale of evil and tenacity of purpose. The blood of tens of thousands of Iraqis is only the most recent on their hands, albeit shared by the largely anglo-saxon Americans...