Dingo the Dissident

THE BLOG OF DISQUIET : Qweir Notions, an uncommonplace-book from the Armpit of Diogenes, binge-thinker jottings since 2008 .

Friday, 28 February 2025

Show or shadow ?

A question of translation, both philosophical and kinematic.

Psalm 39:6-8

1599 Geneva Bible
Man walketh in a shadow, and disquieteth himself in vain.

1611 King James Bible
Man walketh in a vain show and disquieteth himself in vain.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Only the rich

can savour High Culture,
but they are no more capable
than any of the multitude
of distinguishing good from
bad and mediocre
than those whom they exclude.

Frightening Bad Things Away

 in West Bengal.

photo by Sayan Bose

From my small perspective,

as rarely before,
'evil' is expanding exponentially,
while 'good' increases incrementally,
at best.


Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Sex and Love

"The only man
who showed me
any affection was
my abuser."

During the first term

of Trump’s presidency we talked of the post-truth era;
now we find ourselves in a world in which the truth
is taken out, 
tortured and shot.
This means that there will be no justice.
This means that anything goes.

 On the third anniversary
of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine,
we had the scandalous spectacle
of the US voting with Russia
against a British-European
UN resolution in support of Ukraine.

Each new morn, new widows howl,
new orphans cry and 
Donald Trump 
passes a wild executive order.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025


Except in the bureaucratic sense,
nobody, not even presidents or priests,
are entitled to anything,
not even dominion
over the beasts.

Civilisation depends
(amongst much else)
on the concept of superiority.

Civilisation depends
on our belief that we are
intrinsically superior
to all other life upon the planet,
and that life is superior to non-life.

To dispute this is insanity:
you will exile yourself
beyond the cruel Pale of Humanity.

The future of travel

between very-warm Britain and Ireland
or Warsaw and Kyiv ?

Jewish Humanity.

Not forgetting, I hope,
the outrageous stupidity
of Hamas' Palestinian-annihilating action
of October 2022,
Healthcare Workers Watch (HWW),
a Palestinian medical NGO,
said it had confirmed that 162 medical staff
remained in Israeli detention,
including some of Gaza’s most senior physicians,
and a further 24 were missing
after being taken from hospitals during the conflict.


There may once have been beaches on Mars.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Good Swiss, Bad Swiss-French.

Paul Klee: painter
of happy and amusing pictures
who liked to take a line for a walk.

"Le Corbusier", actually called
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret: architect
of machines for living in,
who effectively herded tens of thousands
of people to depression in depressing,
oppressive buildings that invited
vandalism and demolition.

Henry Kissinger famously said:

To be an enemy of the USA is dangerous;
to be a friend is fatal.

Nelson Mandela famously said:

When two neighbouring countries fight each other,
just know that the USA visited one of them.

Jeffrey Sachs recently said:

In America, if you don't like 'the other side',
you don't negotiate with them,
you try to overthrow them.
If you can't do it covertly, you do it overtly.

Mr Sachs is, infamously, the great proponent
of Disaster Capitalism, which brought
misery to millions and Putin to power.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

I have heard talk of

Digital Twinning.
In the absence of a father
one might apply for
a Digital Father
that I could (digitally)
kick in the balls.

Much higher than wider.

we are the tell-tale

tall tale species.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Friday, 21 February 2025

On technology,

climate change and other problems
caused by technology:

"human ingenuity usually arrives too late
to solve the specific problem
for which it was intended."

~ Robert D. Kaplan: The Coming Anarchy (2000)

Knit your own sea-creature.


Fluo Spiny Squat Lobster
by James Lynott

Thursday, 20 February 2025

A well-cut suit:

I've always wondered what it was.
I wouldn't recognise one
if it bit me in the balls.
But I think it may mean a suit
worn by a rich obese person
or diplomat
which somehow makes him
seem less obviously fat.

Dirty Windows :

I like them.

This is how 'primeval temperate'
European forest looked

and still looks
in a tiny remaining fragment
somehow surviving
in the West of Ireland.

Correl Glen, county Fermanagh.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Ever since e-mail got going
internet users have been prey
(not only to spam and scams, but also)
to internet-induced brain-rot.

I'm pleased to announce that I have
only three or four e-mail correspondents
plus the occasional message from my bank,
and I don't use anti-social media.

As for the smartphone, I turn it on
once a day, with lowered pants
during a Bowel Movement,
to check on forecasted temperatures
on behalf of my rewarding plants.

Hair and headdresses

have, for reasons of social differentiation
and cohesion been very important to human groups.

On watching Antonioni's excellent and enigmatic Blow-up
the other evening I realised why
I opted out of the 1960s:  I hated the 'pop-music'
and couldn't bear to have my hair long. 
I was happy that I so soon went bald.

I like buzz-cuts with beards on males.
Or else long tresses, the other extreme.
I was happy that I grew a beard.

I don't like pony-tails.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Italians have been shocked

by the statistic that a woman is murdered
every three days in their republic.

But that just shows how nice Italians are:

in Germany a woman is killed every day, usually by her partner or ex.

David Hemmings as Thomas

in Antonioni's Blow-up (1966):

"There's nothing like a little disaster
for sorting things out."

EU invades UK :

no problem!
Give them Northern Ireland
and then they'll go away.

Monday, 17 February 2025

A long sentence

by Richard Flanagan, Tasmanian
author of The Long Road to the Deep North.

Once I had the idea of writing the book [Question 7]
as a chain reaction that begins with Rebecca West kissing HG Wells and leads to 100,000 people dying in Hiroshima,
my father living and me being born – once I understood
that without that kiss, there would be no bomb and no me –
then disparate things that had haunted me for so long fell into place.

Sunday, 16 February 2025


it must surely be
that some people's enmity
is less challenging,
less onerous than their amity.

Saturday, 15 February 2025

I think it may have shrunk.

Was it the Fesoterodine ?

Those happy few

of the Dark Enlightenment

inhale Dark Oxygen

for their Voodoo.

Meanwhile, in Europe alone,
farmers are abandoning
one million hectares
(2.4 million acres; 10,000 square kilometres)
every year – to what ?

Where civilisation is peaceful.


Bengaluru, Southern India by Idris Mohamed.

Thursday, 13 February 2025


belong in museums...
where they soon will
scorch and flood and crumble
in the sad museum of the Earth.

A painting, a sculpture and a photograph.

'Paule Vézelay': Landscape 1946.

? by Rimantas Izdelis

Jerzy Durczak: Autumn in a Polish Forest

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Russian Dolls.

To live
in the moment
you have to live
in a bubble
in a bubble
in a bubble...

The current PotUS

is so beyond-words
bizarre that I would not be surprised to learn
that there is a thriving market for his
preserved and authenticated turds.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

He wanted to show my pictures

in his unreliable gallery. But
for even a small space
they are not 'appropriate'.
They are too intimate.

Prophetic self-portrait, 1988.

Many paintings look uncomfortable
in galleries, especially Van Goghs
in Amsterdam, permanently tortured
in a vicious concrete box.

But alas, poor prisoners!
there's nowhere else to place them.

Dear God, we

give thanks to Thee
for the invention of L.E.D.
because we
in our advancing senility
have an unfortunate tendency
to leave lights on
from dusk to dawn
and even longer.

Monday, 10 February 2025

The Unruly Mind.

Last night, lying in bed
listening to ABC Classic's
early morning programme,
I calculated
(using my fingers and my
ever-pullulating head
and my bedside clock,
plus the not-too-competent

that Adelaide
(for a while, at least)*
is 10½ hours ahead

Then switched to
the occasionally-excellent
Medi-1 (ميدى1 طرب) 
DAB radio Tarab instead.

*depending on unsynchronised time-tinkerings
in different hemispheres according to season.

For millions

in The Christian World, now, near The End,
alcohol* is a friend, not an enemy;
and The Government is an enemy,
not a friend.

*or similar easily-obtained mind-comforter

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Confession of a child

of a 'Welfare State'.

"It's not so much that I
'would like to die'
as that I feel that I
am lacking liveliness
& would like to slip
forever and conveniently,
easefully into soft emptiness. 

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Thursday, 6 February 2025

"Reality is a trance.

Your reality is a trance of your own making.
Or someone else’s making who doesn’t have
your greatest good in mind.”

This wise observation was made by one of the many bogus gurus
from India who have abused minds and bodies in Europe and North America since the 1950s - and, along their way, inevitably have said many wise things.

On the same theme,
even the nastiest dictators can spout wisdom:

"It causes me some anxiety that the world is controlled by childish North Americans."  

Generalísimo Francisco Franco

Jerusalem, 1942.

 "It looks like there will be trouble here ere long
because of the 'illegal immigrants' who keep arriving
from Europe, scuppering their boats
and wading ashore."

~ from To War with Whitaker, the diaries of
Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

The way of things.

Although the first snowdrop
     (which flowered on my near-future
      grave 10 days ago)

like the last rose of summer
     (which dropped its petals in January)
is celebrated in words and music,
the last snowdrop languishes
amongst the crocuses and daffodils.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Sri Lankans don't

'see their civil war or their tsunami as traumatic –
in fact, when an army of coubsellors descended upon the nation 
after the tsunami of 2004, the University of Colombo pleaded with them to cease seeing suffering as traumatisation, because it was undermining people's resilience.
Sri Lanka happens to top the charts for 'well-being' in the Mental State of the World in 2023 report, despite such denial of the Gospel of Trauma.

'Individuals experience the world according to how they are taught to experience the world.'

~ Niklas Serning

In a hyper-individualistic culture there is a tendency to experience the world through resentment.

Monday, 3 February 2025

The only irrational animal

uses its intelligence mainly
to create hierarchies
in order to conquer and control
its surroundings, 

and now to create
and control more powerful
and competitive intelligences
which it will inevitably,

at last powerlessly, hate.


'A man walks on the Kolyma highway, nicknamed “the road of bones”. It was built in the 1930s by political prisoners held in the gulags, and links the port town of Magadan to the town of Nizhny Bestiakh.
The construction, which lasted until Stalin’s death in 1953, claimed between 250,000 and 1 million lives.
They are buried next to or directly under the 1,219-mile (1,961 km) road, part of which is still not finished as it is an extremely difficult project despite modern equipment.'

Well, well -

isn't that just great ?

Sounds to me a bit like
fiddling while Rome burns.

Sunday, 2 February 2025


are people whom posh people
choose to make them
feel acceptably exceptional.

The Museum of Empathy

One of these photos
disgusts me and makes my flesh creep.
Both were published on the same day
in the same article
in the same newspaper.

Adam Pearson.

Kim Kardashian

Crunch Time.

This insane clock
(here photographed on my 1960 tiled floor)
was free-on-the-street
in Caylus yesterday.
I couldn't resist it.
Note the squiggly second hand.

Saturday, 1 February 2025