Tuesday 13 August 2024

Hitler may have been partly-sort-of-right.

Soft and hard (power) together :
the so-far-unbeatable combination.

Before the 20th century our Northern culture/ways of life were largely controlled by male white cruelly-heterosexual Christian leaders, especially kings, princes and popes.
But that has changed. 

Now the ways we eat speak play work think are directed by the USA, not least through cinema, tv and the world-wide web.

Lenin called cinema the most important of all the arts.
He meant, of course, that it is the supreme propaganda-tool. 

The Americans realised also that it was a wonderful medium for appeasement of the masses: creamy mind-sauce
in a thousand cinemas. It then morphed into television.

The USA owes most of this considerable Soft Power to a small number of Jews* who gathered in Los Angeles
because of the sunshine and less unfavourable social climate.

[rant follows] Images on screens reduce human attention to a fascinating rectangle from which it is difficult to escape : the little cultural box containing thousands of American 'movies'  which, through monopoly of distribution, have imposed ugly, sickly self-righteous/smug Anglo-American-French values (cultural and moral) across the world.  They have encouraged
and greatly helped to impose upon the world an empire
(accidental champion of Israëlity)
obsessed with competition for competition's sake,
obvious achievement, team-sport and sex/sexuality. 

*Jesse Lasky, Samuel Goldfish (later Goldwyn) and Cecil Blount de Mille, whose mother was Jewish.

See also:



Now I'll go off and watch my movie by Tarkovsky.

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