Tuesday 4 June 2024


They were forced to grovel.

On every continent
people were forced to grovel,
to give up their children and their labour
and their land, their livelihoods.

On every continent people were imprisoned,
maimed, tortured, lynched, starved, wiped out,
by maggot-Whites  –

their languages banned, their places of worship
destroyed, their sacred rites
despised, proscribed.   

And now that China
has got up from its wasted knees
the hypocrites condemn it for its
'abuse of human rights' !

1 comment:

  1. Aside from this...

    Just as Western European diseases almost wiped out pre-Columbian peoples of America,
    so, it seems, infections carried northwards out of Africa by invulnerable, smooth-skinned Homo sapiens,
    wiped out their colder-climate enemies, partners, pals,
    the hairy, sensitive Neanderthals.
