Monday 27 April 2015

A different kind of grain.

A search engine I used to look up
Against the Grain  
(not the unreadable A Rebours by J-K Huysmans)
came up with this:


  1. Unreadable! Oh the shame, Anthony, to denigrate of the greatest misanthropic novels ever penned.

  2. Huysmans was not half the writer Céline was - or Junger for that matter. And Kafka was no mean misanthropist-humorist. Moreover I have absolutely no connection with the people and milieu that he writes about, the same kind of people that lie like lead upon the pages of Proust. ("Je suis Charlus-Homo" - only joking!)

    Maupassant is also misanthropist and much more readable. Des Esseintes is a bore I would like to kick in the balls by page fifty.

    I also find Joyce's Ulysses unreadable for similar reasons : I cannot connect with the characters any more than I can with those of de Sade. Indeed I think that the very uneven (and sometimes pompous) Henry Miller was a much greater and more original writer...
