Saturday 9 May 2009

It never occurred to me before

that sex
for most people
is some sort of

Yet this might have been
part of the soft, rich
tapestry of feelings I had
on those few occasions
when intimacy
was flawless,


  1. I think if you had been married it would have occurred to you.
    Then again, perhaps just a monogamous relationship-no, wait,
    that's not fair to say either. It never occurred to you that some might seek sex as a validation for love?
    You lucky bastard.

  2. I think that I could see that the expression of love was a validation of (or do I mean proof of ? or do I mean excuse for ? or ruse to 'get') sex - for men - though not in the homosexual context...
    What I meant was that men see sex as validation of what they imagine to be masculinity; and women also see it as validation of their femininity, quite apart from the 'love' issue...
